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Northern Biotech Consulting Case Competition: Application Deadline Extended!

Given the number of last minute enquiries that have been received, the NBI Exec team has decided to extend the team application deadline to Friday, the 27th of May (11:59 PM). Click HERE to register!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: I'm an undergraduate, but would like to participate in the competition. Can I apply as part of a team that is a mix of postgraduates and undergraduates?

A: Unfortunately, this competition is only open to current graduate students enrolled in a university on the day of the application deadline.

Q: Can my team submit a PowerPoint slide deck with a slide describing each team member instead of individual CVs for each member?

A: Yes, as long as we have enough information about who you are, what your professional/academic background is, and what you've accomplished - then any format that conveys enough information will be considered.

Q: I'm really interested in participating in the competition, but I'm having trouble finding enough people to form a team. What should I do?

A: Please contact us at and let us know how many additional members you're looking for and we'll do our best to link you to potential teammates.

Q: Are inter-university teams allowed to participate?

A: Yes, as long as all members are graduate students, it doesn't matter if you all attend different universities.

Q: Are there any particular skills or experiences that are required in order to participate in the competition?

A: No. This competition is open to all graduate students regardless of discipline or subject area. Any graduate student with an interest in consulting is welcome to join a team and apply.

Q: I'm a PhD research student with various commitments to worry about. How much extra time am I going to have to invest in preparing for the competition?

A: All teams will be expected to (1) do up to 25 pages maximum of reading (that NBI will provide in the form of several company profiles), (2) do their own background research on the particular market if necessary, and (3) create a pitch presentation (10-15 minutes maximum in length) over a 4 week period. The trade-off is that the larger the group, the smaller the time commitment (but also less prize money) for each member.

Please contact us at with any other questions or concerns.


NBI Executive Team

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