Upcoming Events in Manchester

PGBiomed 2017: Abstract submission deadline March 31st, 2017-
On the 6th and 7th of July 2017 will be held the 10th IET UK& Republic of Ireland Postgraduate Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. This is the opportunity for postgraduate students to benefit from a hospitable and supportive platform to showcase their research and keep up to date with trending research taking place universities across the UK and Ireland. More info and registration HERE:
Unlocking the potential of your IP – understanding the value of the intellectual property in research
Discover more about IP and how it can take your research further. This seminar is organised by the University of Manchester Innovation Centre and will be held on Tuesday 21st March 2017 from 12.00 to 16.30. All PhD students and early career researchers are welcome to attend. More info and registration HERE:
MedX conference
The MedX conference organised by ReThink X venture brings together students, academics, entrepreneurs, and industry experts to showcase innovations and ideas on the future of healthcare in the incredible Manchester CityLabs setting, for free. A raft of international and local speakers go alongside unique workshops and demonstrations from student and business groups. It will be held Saturday 25th March 2017 - ALL day. More info and registration HERE:
3 Minute Thesis –
Research Communication Competition
Could you can reduce your 80,000 word thesis to 180 seconds and win £500?
To register please read the full rules and judging criteria and complete the online registration form. Please note: we have a limited number of places available per faculty and these will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Once submitted your application will be acknowledged by email within 3 working days.
Applications will be accepted until 5pm on Friday April 21 or until all places have been allocated. Any queries or questions please contact alex.hinchliffe@manchester.ac.uk.
FBMH Social Responsibility – new projects and funding opportunities
Members of the Faculty Social Responsibility (SR) Team were recently invited by Professor Mahesh Nirmalan, Vice-Dean for SR to bid for funding to support socially responsible graduates via innovative SR enhancements to the curriculum. Applicants could apply for up to £2000 to facilitate students to be encouraged to think how their enthusiasm for their subject could make a difference beyond the immediate demands of their course. Further funding is still available for both calls; the deadline for the second round of SR in the Curriculum Funding is Friday 31 March 2017.
A rolling decision-making process (no deadlines) has been agreed for the Engaging our communities fund, please note – all monies must be spent by 31 July 2017.
Enquiries can be sent to Hawys.Williams@manchester.ac.uk, in the first instance.
More info HERE